Shared Transportation Goals for East Lancaster Avenue

East Lancaster Avenue’s physical configuration dates to the late-1930s when it was the highway to Dallas.  Today, although still owned by the Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT), it functions as a too-wide city street.  The city of Fort Worth, Trinity Metro, TXDOT, and the North Central Texas Council of Governments all acknowledge this configuration is outdated, and all have a role in its future reconfiguration and funding.  These are the shared goals that serve as guidance in that effort:

  • Equity investment for east side residents and businesses

  • Economic development and transit-oriented development

  • Pedestrian safety and comfort

  • Premium transit service and stations: modern, reliable, frequent, fast

  • Context-sensitive community design: right-sizing number of through-lanes for traffic to support desirable development, pedestrians, and transit

  • Access management, right-sizing number of driveways